News: love

new electronica hit: Antivirus Spread by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in High Resolution loosless wav file for free download

By Ralf Kaiser

new electronica hit: Antivirus Spread by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in High Resolution loosless wav file for free download

Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, tonight I publish the new electronica hit: "Antivirus Spread" in it I take up the idea that not only virus information is distributed among people, but also antivirus information. From this point of view, every person who has formed antibodies after an infection with the corona virus by surviving this disease is a carrier of the antivirus information and can pass it on to everyone he meets. So instead of isolating the currently sick, distribution of the antivirus information between people who have it "behind" and those currently affected: "Antivirus Spread" plays with this idea of distributing the healing information, no matter how, the main thing quickly and also preventively.

Get it here:

It might sound a little crazy, but as a “healthy person” I would rather hug a “sick person” than be isolated as a sick person… and I would also prefer to walk with a fever through “green walking” and “breathe freely” than with other sufferers condemned to be crammed into a room together.
You know what i mean ...
Love and Peace
Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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New Hit Single: "Pure Idyll" like an audio drama by ralf christoph kaiser online now

By Ralf Kaiser

New Hit Single: "Idylle pur" like an audio drama by ralf christoph kaiser online now

dear friends of the music and art by Ralf Christoph Kaiser, tonight i give to you this hit single. It is called: "idyll pure" and it sounds like an audio drama of love. I hope you will enjoy it!

get it here:
Sincerely Yours
Ralf Christoph Kaiser
Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today I am publishing this new hit single of mine with a new radio play: "Idylle Pur" makes hearts beat faster and brings hot love along on a wild ride.

You will get the song in High resolution 24 Bit 96 Khz as Wav File.

I hope you enjoy it!

Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser

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